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Why Does My Vitamix Blender Smells Like Burning? (Solved!)


Why Does My Vitamix Blender Smells Like Burning

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Why Does My Vitamix Blender Smells Like Burning? A Vitamix blender emitting an acrid burning smell is likely due to the motor becoming overworked.

This is caused by the thermal overload protection system activating in response to the motor being excessively drawn upon, resulting in the release of heat, smoke, and odors.

Vitamix Blenders are great kitchen tools, but sometimes they can give off a burning smell. The most common cause of this burning smell is an exposed motor.

Exposed motors can overheat, leading to a burning smell. There are also other potential causes, such as clogged filters, worn-out blades, or a dirty or dusty motor.

If you’re wondering why your Vitamix has this odor and what you can do about it, then you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, we will discuss the causes of your Vitamix Blender smelling like it’s on fire and how to fix the problem.

Why Is There A Burning Smell Coming From My Vitamix Blender?

It could be due to the overheating of the motor or the blades becoming dull and grinding against each other.

If you suspect that your Vitamix Blender is overheating, try unplugging it and letting it cool down before plugging it back in and trying again.

If the blades are becoming dull, they may need to be replaced.

Regardless of the cause, it is best to stop using the blender until the issue is resolved to avoid any further damage from occurring.

Is It Good For A New Blender To Smell Like Burning?

When a new blender is used for the first time, it is normal for it to smell like burning.

This is due to the motor breaking in and is nothing to be alarmed about.

The smell should dissipate after a few uses. If the smell persists, consult the manufacturer’s instructions or contact customer support for further assistance.

Why Does My Vitamix Blender Smells Like Burning?

The most common is that the motor is overheating due to prolonged use or too much ice in the container.

It’s important to identify and address the issue as soon as possible to avoid further damage to the blender and to prevent any safety hazards.

1. The Base Windings:

The burning smell associated with Vitamix Blenders is caused by a problem with the base windings.

This is typically due to a malfunctioning motor, which results in overheating.

If your Vitamix Blender is emitting this odor, it is recommended that you immediately unplug it and contact customer service for assistance.

A defective motor can not only be a fire hazard but can also have other safety implications.

2. Your Blender May Broke Down:

The motor, blades, or other parts may have overheated due to overuse or an electrical malfunction.

To determine the cause of the smell and the extent of any damage, it is recommended to unplug the appliance and contact a certified technician for further assistance.

3. Blending For Too Long:

Blenders can become overheated if used for too long.

This is especially true for Vitamix Blenders, which have powerful motors and require proper maintenance to keep running correctly.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and not blend for more than the recommended amount of time.

4. Damaged Couplers May Cause Burning

If you have recently noticed your Vitamix Blender emitting a burning smell, the cause may be related to damaged couplers.

Couplers are the small pieces of plastic that connect the motor base to the blade assembly.

If these become worn or cracked, the friction created by blending can cause them to overheat and produce a burning smell.

To identify if this is the cause of your burning smell, take your blender apart and inspect the couplers for signs of wear and tear.

5. Dirty Or Damaged Blades:

Over time, the blades can become dull and dirty, which can cause them to heat up when in use.

Additionally, if the blades are damaged, they may be grinding against the container or other components of the blender, creating friction and heat.

If you suspect that the blades are the issue, it is important to thoroughly clean and inspect them for any signs of damage.

6. Buildup Of Bacteria And Mold In Vitamix Blender Chamber:

A common cause of a burning smell from a Vitamix Blender is the buildup of bacteria and mold inside the chamber.

This can happen when food particles, moisture, and warm temperatures create an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria and mold.

Additionally, it is important to clean and dry out the Vitamix Blender after every use to prevent future bacterial and mold growth.

7. Faulty Or Damaged Motor:

A malfunctioning motor can cause the blades to spin too fast and create heat.

This heat can cause the plastic parts of the blender to melt, which can produce an unpleasant burning odor.

If this is the case, you should stop using the blender immediately and contact the manufacturer for a replacement.

8. Your Vitamix Blender May Overheat:

This is usually because the blender has overheated due to extended use or over-processing of ingredients.

To avoid this issue, it is important to give your Vitamix Blender regular breaks during use and to not overfill it with ingredients.

Additionally, it is important to make sure that the power cord is properly connected and that the power switch is off when not in use.

9. Overloading The Blender:

This can happen when too much food is put into the blender at once, or if you try to blend something that is too thick.

To avoid this, it’s important to only fill your blender up to the maximum fill line and to use the pulse setting for thick mixtures.

Can I Get The Smell Out Of My Vitamix Blender?

To get rid of the smell, you should first disassemble the blender and clean all parts with warm, soapy water.

Once everything is cleaned and dried, blend a mixture of water and vinegar for 30 seconds to help remove any remaining residue.

Finally, replace the blender parts and blend a few ice cubes for 30 seconds to flush out any remaining odor.

With proper care, your Vitamix Blender should be free of odors.

Maintain Your Vitamix Blender And Prevent From Burning Smell:

Proper maintenance of your Vitamix Blender is key to preventing a burning smell.

As with any appliance, it’s important to clean the Vitamix Blender between uses and make sure that any food particles are removed from the blades.

Additionally, if your blender begins to smell like burning, it’s important to check the blades for any damage or debris that could be causing the problem and clean or replace them if necessary.

Regularly checking the condition of the blades and cleaning them can go a long way towards preventing a burning smell from developing.

Add More Liquid Before Blending:

Blenders require enough liquid to create the friction necessary to blend the ingredients together.

If not enough liquid is added, the blades can overheat and cause a burning smell.

Additionally, you should always unplug your blender from the wall before attempting to clean it.

Warm Your Vitamix Blender Before Use:

If your Vitamix Blender is emitting a burning smell, it could be caused by a number of factors.

To help prevent this from happening, make sure to warm up your blender before use. This can be done by running it on a low speed for a few seconds before adding ingredients.

Additionally, ensure that you are not blending any items that are too hot, as this can also cause the burning smell.

Use The Required Quantity Of Food:

Using too much food can cause the motor to overheat and potentially cause a burning smell.

To prevent this, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the quantity of food per blending cycle, and never fill the blender beyond the maximum line.

Additionally, if your Vitamix Blender does emit a burning smell, you should stop using it and contact the manufacturer for assistance.

Avoid The Use Of Vitamix Blender For Too Long:

To avoid this, it is important to limit your use of the Vitamix Blender for no more than 20 minutes at any given time.

Furthermore, it is recommended to take a break of 15 minutes in between blending sessions to help ensure the longevity of the appliance and prevent any further burning smells.

Ending Remarks: Why Does My Vitamix Blender Smells Like Burning?

Why Does My Vitamix Blender Smells Like Burning? The burning smell emanating from your Vitamix blender is likely a sign of a mechanical issue.

It could be caused by something as small as a loose screw or something bigger like an internal part that has worn out.

To ensure your safety, it’s best to contact the manufacturer or take it to a certified technician for repair.

In the meantime, you should stop using the blender until it is properly repaired.


Why does my Vitamix blender smell like burning?

This could be caused by friction between the blade and container, or from overheating due to high speeds or overuse.

Is it safe to use a Vitamix blender when it smells like burning?

No, it is not safe to use a Vitamix blender when it smells like burning.

What should I do if my Vitamix blender smells like burning?

Immediately turn off the blender and unplug it from the power source.
Also, check for any blockages or food particles around the blade.
If none are found, contact Vitamix customer service for further assistance.

How can I prevent my Vitamix blender from smelling like burning?

Make sure the blade is not blocked or obstructed with food particles.
Also, do not overuse the blender or operate it at high speeds for long periods of time.

Is it normal for my Vitamix blender to smell like burning?

No, it is not normal for a Vitamix blender to smell like burning. If it does, it is likely due to friction, overheating, or a blockage.

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